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Modern Education System of India: An Overview

Modern education system of India


Modern education is the system of imparting education that helps students deal with the modern world problems and make a high paying career out of it. Unlike ancient traditional education that was based on a lifelong analysis of theology and philosophy, modern education is more practical. 

While traditional education focused a lot on catching up with an ideal individualism, the modern education system emphasises critical thinking, visualising, and imagining. Therefore, International School Guwahati has started focusing more on experimental education. It promotes key life skills and encourages a healthy attitude toward responsibility. 

Traditional education was undoubtedly inspiring, refining, and effective on many levels. However, the new advancements in technology and the world created a demand for modern techniques. Tag along as we skim through the present-day education system in India.


How Much Was Traditional Education in India Fulfilling?

The traditional education in India focused primarily on instilling morals and ethics in their pupils. The growth of one’s personality was supposed to be facilitated by expanding one’s knowledge of subjects that were applicable to real-world situations. 

Even in the present day, many people maintain the belief that the principles of traditional Indian education should be included into the contemporary system. 


Features of Traditional Education in India

  • Contributing to the importance of education imparted in the traditional way is the feature that it focused majorly on the individual’s social development. 
  • Knowledge transfer was given top priority as it was the only way of growing in every sphere of life. 
  • The traditional way was also greatly successful in inculcating a disciplined lifestyle in everyone. 
  • Ethics, character building, and morality formed the very top of the education pyramid. They were the end product of every lesson taught. 

The conventional schooling method has garnered a lot of attention throughout the years for being of astonishingly excellent quality. However, there were also some difficulties involved.


The Prominent Benefits of Modern Education for Students

Replacing the traditional system, the modern education system has taken over the world education arena. Fueled by technology, modern world requirements, and of course, the right to education, it is making a lot of progress in catching up with the needs of the modern world. 

Global Reach and Exposure

In this modern age, people need to be able to compete all over the world. Indian kids need to learn about the rest of the world if they want to make it in today’s world. Our current education system is geared toward getting students ready to work anywhere in the world.


Insightful Learning 

The goal of today’s educational system is to instill in students a deeper understanding of the material being taught. Students’ general conceptual knowledge benefits from this. They also have a greater propensity for long-term memory retention.

Encompasses Multiple Subjects

Modern schools in India teach a wide range of courses to all levels of students. Science and technology are often the most important topics in schools. Indian culture is often taught in modern schools, along with skills-based and theory-based courses. The needs of the working world may cause curriculums to change from time to time.


Flexible and Student-Centric

The majority of primary and secondary schools now provide students with the opportunity to take online education and supplementary classes. Students are able to learn at their own pace because of the flexibility of the program. 

There are some classes that don’t stick to any fixed timetable. It is anticipated of students that they would improve their time management skills and, where necessary, make it to their synchronously scheduled classes.


Tech-Based Learning

Online programs are only one example of how technology is influencing the educational landscape. Now more than ever, schools can take advantage of automation technologies to aid in institutional management.

modern education picture

Admissions, payroll, training, attendance, class management, human resources, and even timetabling can all benefit from digitised educational systems. They can also aid in the management of school buses, examinations, and notification systems. Technology and automation can help school administrators manage their institutions, staff, and students.


Where is Modern Education in India?

According to statistics on education in India, about 26% of the population, or 1.39 billion people, are between the ages of 0 and 14. This is a great chance for the primary education industry. 

Recent reports say that 77.7% of Indians can read and write, with Kerala having the best literacy rate. An English Proficiency Index put India at number 52 for how well its people speak English.

In recent years, there has been a steady increase in the number of learning centres that help students study for college entrance exams during and after school. This is a great leap into refining the education quality of the nation. 

Future Aims

The Indian school system is one of the best in the world. India is home to the world’s biggest network of colleges and universities that offer good chances for growth. The education industry was valued at more than 117 billion U.S. dollars, and by 2025, it is expected to be worth 225 billion U.S. dollars.

It is anticipated that by 2030, India’s higher education system would have more than 20 universities ranked among the top 200 in the world. It is also expected to be among the top five nations in the world with regard to research output.


Increase in the Number of Schools in India 

If you look closely at the above table, you’ll see a decreasing trend in the number of schools in India after 2018. Prior to then, there had been a huge growth in the number of schools, with the figure rising to 15,58,903 in 2017 from 15,18,160 in 2014. However, the falling tendency does not reflect a poor educational standard. The reduction in the number of schools was caused by the merging of schools across India.

Challenges in the Modern Education Sector in India

  • One of the biggest challenges in the education sector in India today is the lack of personalised learning. Most of the education that is imparted in schools in India is based on a crude format that doesn’t always fit into every student’s learning capability and field of interest. 
  • Another challenge in the Indian education system is the lack of upgradation of curriculum. India still adheres to somewhat outdated teaching and learning and the curriculum does not catch up to the needs of the modern world. 
  • Indian education also puts quite a lot of pressure on the individuals that eventually results in stress, anxiety, and other mental strain for the students. 
  • Another major drawback of the Indian education system is unskilled and underqualified teachers. Especially, in private schools and colleges, the teachers are underqualified and have to opt for reskilling for promotions. 



It is a fact beyond any doubts that the traditional Indian Education was an impregnable system for the pupils. But, as the world is growing with advancements in modern technologies rolling in every other day, modern education creates a great demand. Therefore, we must find a balance between the traditional and modern approaches of education. Modern education and global education lay the foundation of a brighter future for the students and therefore, most students and parents prefer it.  

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