How to Make History Fun? 7 Exciting Activities for Kids.

how to make history fun


History is full of fascinating stories, amazing inventions, and incredible people. Learning about the past helps us understand the present and prepares us for the future. But let’s face it, sometimes traditional history lessons can feel a bit dry. If you’re a parent or educator looking for ways to make history come alive for kids,…

How to Score Good Marks in Class 10? 5 Effective Study Techniques

how to score good marks in class 10


Exams are coming, and let’s be honest, they can feel pretty daunting. Class 10 is a big deal – it lays the foundation for your future studies and opens doors to exciting new possibilities. But with all that importance comes a little (or maybe a lot) of anxiety. Don’t worry, we’ve all been there. The…

Top 10 Online Competitions for High School Students

online competitions for high school students


Online competitions for high school students have exploded in recent years, providing a dynamic arena for young people to explore their passions. Whether you’re a budding artist, a tech whiz, or a history enthusiast, there’s a competition for you. These platforms foster creativity and problem-solving skills and offer a unique chance to stand out in…

Why Does Students Hate History? 5 Surprising Reasons Behind the Disinterest

why does students hate history


Here’s a fact: history is boring. But teachers teach it anyway and students learn it, some even interestedly. But why do students hate history specifically? We will look at some possible reasons for this common feeling.  If you do not have a knack for historical findings and accounts, history as a compulsory subject in school…

7 Benefits of Digital Learning that Every Student Should Know

benefits of digital learning


The world has moved online. Every part and aspect of our lives has an online angle to it. This is giving us options before it gets necessary to do things online only. The same is true when it comes to education. It seems like we used to extract our study materials from the library a…

Importance of CBSE Education: 5 Key Benefits Every Parent Should Know

importance of cbse education


India boasts a rich tapestry of the importance of CBSE educational boards, each catering to specific needs and philosophies. Among these, the Central Board of Secondary Education (CBSE) stands out as a prominent national board, shaping the academic journeys of millions of students. Choosing the right educational path for your child is crucial, and understanding…

10 Incredible Benefits of Good Handwriting for Students

benefits of good handwriting for students


Out of all the necessary skills, there are multiple benefits of good handwriting for students, it helps students to express themselves clearly and effectively – equipping them to participate in class discussions, write compelling essays, and grasp complex concepts. Strong communication skills are a cornerstone of academic success.  In today’s date and time, technological innovation…

7 Powerful Learning Styles for Students to Improve the Learning Experience

learning styles for students


High school may be only two years but it is a significant part of our education. Students often feel overwhelmed by the textbooks, lectures, assignments, and exams in this stage of education. This is also the stage when students choose their preferred streams and picture a career they want in the future. While education may…

5 Powerful Tips to Prevent Student Burnout

prevent student burnout


Being a student is not exactly a child’s play. Academic life is intense and as we approach tests and exams, the situation intensifies even more. The constant grind of periods in school, classwork, discipline maintenance, and homework later at home can burn students out immensely. This can affect their academic performance. Therefore, we are here…

How to Create a Study Space? 6 Bright Tips for Your Learning Space

how to create a study space


Have you ever felt like you could achieve so much more with your studies if you had the proper environment? You are not alone! A dedicated study environment can help, not only little children but adults as well, to focus, concentrate, and get the most out of their study session. However, creating the right study…

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