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How to Make History Fun? 7 Exciting Activities for Kids.

how to make history fun


History is full of fascinating stories, amazing inventions, and incredible people. Learning about the past helps us understand the present and prepares us for the future. But let’s face it, sometimes traditional history lessons can feel a bit dry. If you’re a parent or educator looking for ways to make history come alive for kids,…

How to Score Good Marks in Class 10? 5 Effective Study Techniques

how to score good marks in class 10


Exams are coming, and let’s be honest, they can feel pretty daunting. Class 10 is a big deal – it lays the foundation for your future studies and opens doors to exciting new possibilities. But with all that importance comes a little (or maybe a lot) of anxiety. Don’t worry, we’ve all been there. The…

7 Powerful Learning Styles for Students to Improve the Learning Experience

learning styles for students


High school may be only two years but it is a significant part of our education. Students often feel overwhelmed by the textbooks, lectures, assignments, and exams in this stage of education. This is also the stage when students choose their preferred streams and picture a career they want in the future. While education may…

How to Create a Study Space? 6 Bright Tips for Your Learning Space

how to create a study space


Have you ever felt like you could achieve so much more with your studies if you had the proper environment? You are not alone! A dedicated study environment can help, not only little children but adults as well, to focus, concentrate, and get the most out of their study session. However, creating the right study…

10 Essential Internet Safety Tips for Students to Stay Safe



The internet is an amazing place for students. It’s a world of information, connection, and endless learning opportunities. But just like the real world, there are things to be aware of online to stay safe.  This blog post will explore 10 essential internet safety tips for students that will help the students to navigate the…

5 Advantages of Oral Exam for Students to Gain Confidence

advantages of oral exam for students


Although written assessments scare students all the same but not like oral assessments. According to a study, more than 72% of students are terrified of it or any other kind of public speaking. This is because they lack confidence; be it a student or any other professional. Therefore, in this blog, we will walk you…

Tips for Effective Online Studying: Elevate Your Studying Sessions

tips for effective online studying


The era of paper books, notebooks, and pens has almost passed. From official business to academic studying, everything has shifted to the online mode. Students no longer require bringing loads of books to the school. All they need is their laptop, phone or tablet with a proper internet connection. Therefore, now that online education has…

Is Students’ Mental Health at Risk? Learn Ways to Boost It

students’ mental health


Common sense and scientific research indicate that dopamine, often termed the ‘happy hormone,’ releases during activities like practicing gratitude or basking in sunlight. Researchers have linked low dopamine levels to various students’ mental health disorders, including major depressive disorders; therefore, scientists are continuously investigating the role of dopamine in these conditions. However, it remains uncertain…

The Importance of Education in Our Lives and in Promoting Global Peace

importance of education


If you are reading this article then you are amongst the fortunate few who received education. And with the current situations prevailing in the world like inequalities, poverty, and war, the importance of education in our lives is nothing but rising by the day.  Education is a fundamental element of the UN’s peacebuilding efforts.  …

7 Underestimated Learning Techniques for Students for Every Subject

learning techniques for students


Believe it or not but most of our school life is spent learning one thing or another. Yet, it is something we still struggle with and absolutely despise. Every student faces the same issue. Therefore, in this blog, we thought we will give you some clarity over the subject matter with the subject-specific learning techniques…

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